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Write It Down

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Write It Down

The first thing we talk to nutrition clients about is our “All in Plan” sheet.

It has to dow with goals, behavioral action steps and what to do when you get off track.

Most people look at me like I have a third eye.

“Where is the “plan?”

That is the start of the plan.

I was listening and reading to some things that really drove me to think about this process for me.

A Harvard MBA study proved the power of writing down goals.

It goes like this.

The result of the study was only 3 percent of the students had written goals and plans to accomplish them, 13 percent had goals in their minds but haven’t written them anywhere and 84 percent had no goals at all.

The 13 percent of the class who had goals, but did not write them down, earned twice the amount of the 84 percent who had no goals.

The 3 percent who had written goals were earning, on average, 10 times as much as the other 97 percent of the class combined.

People who don’t write down their goals tend to fail easier than the ones who have plans.

This study proves that statement, even if the only criteria was the monetary reward of each Harvard graduate.

When you don’t have a plan, you don’t know how you will reach your destination.


Click Here to Read Article

The last statement in that paragraph is critical.

When you don’t have a plan, you don’t know how you will reach your destination.

When you ask someone generally how much they want of something, the answer is almost always more (or less depending on what you’re talking about).

But, that is not specific.

Not tangible.

It gives you no idea what you need to do or accomplish.

How much money do you need to earn to live a good life?

How much weight do you have to lose to be happy with yourself?

When is enough, enough?

For some of us, $100,000 annually would be amazing.

For others, it wouldn’t pay the bills!

I have too many questions that I can’t answer for myself right now.

I am working to change that.

I don’t want to be wishy washy.

I want to know exactly what I want to do, what my timelines are and how I’m going to accomplish it.

Variables can change.

Locations, people times can all change.

If you know yourself, then you should be able to set goals that are in line with your priorities.

Then, write down specific action steps to accomplish them.

Here is one I am working on.

I am comfortable physically between 225-230 lbs.

I am currently 238-240.

Im not happy. I’m not in the i have tight pants phase, but trying on old suits for a funeral this week made me realize it’s time to get back on my routine.

So here is what I am going to do.

I am going to make sure my meals are prepared. (2 for 2 today)

Stop making quick/ convenient food choices. (None)

eat more often (I get hangry if I don’t eat at regular intervals.) 4-5 meals per day

Down 10 pounds by Christmas.

I have non specific goals for things I want to accomplish with my family, business and friends.

I am doing just enough in most of them to be ok.

I hate that.

It’s time to get busy.

You want to join me?

Click Here to download the ALL in Page on the top of this site.


Then comment on the Facebook or Instagram page what you are going after, what you are going to do to get there and when.

Lets have some fun with this!

Be Great Today!


Be Great Today!

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